- 世界world
- 开放世界假设open-world assumption
- 基于开放世界预设的3-值逻辑的列表证明系统Tableaux for 3-valued Sentential Logic Based on Open-world Assumption
- 协议所包括的承诺会开放世界金融服务贸易95%的市场。These commitments will open up financial markets which account for over 95 per cent of the world trade in financial services.
- 世界上(of the) world
- 协议所包括的承诺会开放世界金融服务贸易逾九成半的市场。These commitments will open up financial markets which account for over 95 per cent of the world trade in financial services.
- 世界的international
- 世界末日doomsday
- 新世界New World
- 世界经济global economy
- 世界地图map of the world
- 世界纪录world's record
- 鞠实儿教授在研究开放世界的逻辑过程中给出了一个开放世界的命题逻辑。Several years ago, professor Ju Shi-er advanced that reasoning could proceed based on an open world, proposing an assumption of a3- valued propositional logic based on an open world.
- 世界时间universal time
- 大世界macrocosm
- 世界各地from pole to pole
- 世界和平world peace
- 世界最大world's largest
- 小世界microcosm
- 震惊世界的world-shaking