- 议员在审核2003-04年度开支预算时就控制蚊患工作的拨款提出质询。Members raised questions on the provisions for mosquito control in examining the Estimates of Expenditure 2003-04.
- 根据获转授的权力批准对核准开支预算作出的修改2000至01年度第一季Changes to the Approved Estimates of Expenditure Approved under Delegated Powers first quarter of 2000-01
- 预算的budgetary
- 根据获转授的权力批准对核准开支预算作出的修改2001至02年度第三季Changes to the Approved Estimates of Expenditure Approved under Delegated Powers third quarter of 2001-02
- 按宗座委员会对移民的指引,为移民及过客的牧民工作,设立移民日。To institute a Migrants Day according to the instruction on the Pastoral Care of People who Migrate from the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People.
- 指引guide
- 预算budget
- 上述法案及有关的开支预算草案经财务委员会审核后,法案便会交回立法会进行辩论。After the bill and the draft estimates of expenditure have been examined by the Finance Committee, the bill is brought back to the council for debate.
- 我们会效法您的榜样,并遵循内在的指引,不断地告诫自己:精进修行!We will keep on learning from Your example and follow the inner guide, constantly reminding ourselves to practice diligently!
- 开支expenses
- 丁勤时市长削减10亿余元市府预算的努力,昨天在好几方面遭遇阻碍。Mayor David N.Dinkins'efforts to cut the city's budget by more than %241 billion ran into roadblocks on several fronts yesterday.
- 他们亦向员工发出处理医疗废物的指引,并印制海报以提高员工的意识。They have also issued staff guidelines on the handling of clinical waste and produced posters to raise awareness.
- 预算的削减意味着我们所有计划的破产。Budget cuts mean the wreck of all our plans.
- 在“希望之乡”这一古老憧憬的指引下,让我们着眼于新的“希望之乡”。Guided by the ancient vision of a promised land, let us *set our sights upon a land of new promise.
- 由于预算的限制,海军陆战队开始裁员。The Marine Corps began to slim down under budget restrictions.
- 在施工阶段,通过定期发出检讨报告和举行检讨会议,密切监察工务计划内各项工程的进度及开支,确保工程能够如期完成,并且符合开支预算和成本效益。During the construction stage,the progress and expenditure level of projects are monitored closely through regular review reports and meetings to ensure that the projects are delivered on schedule,within budget and in a cost-effective manner.
- 我们不提供低级别的指引,我们提供的是可以真正提高操作(水平/效率)的指引。We are not trying to give guidance that is low - we are giving guidance that predict substantive improvement in performance.
- 不在预算的out-of-pocket
- 预算的削减a shrinkage in the budget
- 立法会议员申请发还工作开支的指引A Guide for Reimbursement of Operating Expenses for Members of the Legislative Council