- 开票make out an invoice
- 开口open one's mouth
- 出票draw a bill
- 本票cashier's check
- 票选elect by ballot
- 开口的ringent
- 开口说话break silence
- 买票vote buying
- 开口扳手open-end wrench
- 拉票campaign for votes
- 小票receipt
- 开口处jaw opening
- 出票人remitter
- 他勉强钻过狭窄的开口处。He scraped through the narrow opening.
- 得票vote-getting
- 他拒不开口。He refused to open his lips.
- 套票set of stamps
- 如果你需要帮什么忙,尽管开口。If you need any help, just ask.
- 印花税票revenue stamp
- 教你的孩子别开口好了,反正他很快就可以学会说话的嘛。Teach your child to hold his tongue; he'll learn fast enough to speak.