- 我们将在大后天举行开业庆典。The opening celebration will be held the day after tomorrow.
- 第十届房山旅游文化节暨圣莲山风景度假区开业庆典仪式The tenth building mountain travels the culture stanza and saint mountain the scenery to spend a holiday the area to start practice the celebration ceremony rites
- 著名播音员赵忠祥,著名电视剧演员杜宁林主持开业庆典活动。Mr, AZhao Zhongxiang, famous announcer and Ms, Du Ninglin, Celebrated actressof TVseries hosted the opening ceremony.
- 礼仪队伍阵容强大,上门礼仪,开业庆典,助阁下公司大展宏图。每天均有直达香港、九龙班车,代办各地火车票、飞机票。The hotel offers city bus to HongKong, JiuLong every day and tickets booking for trainand aeroplane.
- 开业practice
- 开业的practicing
- 我们将参加庆典。We will partake in the celebration.
- 开业典礼opening ceremony
- 庆典仪式遵循了所有的礼节。All formalities were observed at the ceremony.
- 多少人参加了开业典礼?How many people participated in the opening ceremony?
- 参加宗教仪式或庆典的人A person who participates in a religious ceremony or rite.
- 盛大的庆典a magnificent ceremony
- 心理分析医生有开业许可证的心理分析医生A licensed practitioner of psychoanalysis.
- 我真诚地希望您自己开业后,能得到早就应该得到的愉快和满足。I sincerely hope you will find in this new venture the happiness and satisfaction you so richly deserve.
- 游行常与国家庆典同时举行。Parades are often held in concurrence with national holidays.
- 那家书店开业了。The bookstore opened for business.
- 庆典一壮观的队列或庆祝A spectacular procession or celebration.
- 他没有自行开业的积极性。He did not have the initiative to start his own business.
- 生日庆典a birthday celebration
- 大庆典great celebration