- 基于投标人报价前费用预支出的最优招标Optimal Bid Invitation Based on Expenditures Prior to Bidding
- 前previous
- 曾亲身参与川音爱乐酒店开业前筹备及星级评定工作,熟悉酒店开业前筹备及星级评定程序。Taken part in hotel arrangement before practice and hotel stars assessment of "philharmonic hotel of SCCM".
- 到站交付前费用已付delivered free to destination; delivered free to destination
- 开业practice
- 前的prevenient
- 向前onward
- 前几天the other day
- 开业的practicing
- 前一Before
- 开业典礼opening ceremony
- 在前forward
- 前一个previous
- 往前along
- 前日eve
- 前文preamble
- 前页preceding page
- 前置preposing
- 几天前other day
- 前部foreside