- 故障树辅助建树专家系统Fault Tree Computer-Aided Building Expert System
- 他在任职期间毫无建树。He did nothing noteworthy during his tenure.
- 高等学校形象的建树与传播Setting Up and Spread the Image of Institutions of Higher Learning
- 在某方面有所建树/毫无成果to have something/nothing to show for sth
- 由悠久传统所确立entrenched by long tradition
- 秦汉兵学的建树及其文化特征The contributions and cultural characteristics of strategics in Qin-Han Dynasty
- 确立时间establishment time
- 他在政治上毫无建树,只是一位失败者。He never got anywhere in politics. He's just an also-ran.
- 目标确立goal establishment
- 确立某人的罪establish a person's guilt
- 凉山形象建树在地区经济中的作用及对策Image Establishment of Liangshan Autonomous State Acts Upon the District Economy and Its Strategies
- 确立准则principle of establishment
- 梅尔取笑她,不承认辛迪在这方面有什么建树。Mel scoffed, and denied that what cindy had done was an achievement
- 自我确立self-definition
- 政治经济学对于新时代所关心的生态学和人类生活的质量是有所建树的。The political economy responds to the new ages concern for ecology and for the quality of human living.
- 确立过程the process of establishment
- 建树办学理念打造发展平台为每一位学生终生幸福奠基Conception of School Running for Development Base with a Goal Happiness for Students
- 一旦你的投资目标确立以后,你就可以决定你的钱投向何处。Once you have decided on your investment aims, you can then decide where to put your money.
- 人或可为自己建树一个刺刀的宝座,但不能于其上坐稳。A man may build himself a throne of bayonet,but he cannot sit on it.
- 确立教学原则提高教学效率--中国近代史教学改革研究综说Establish Teaching Principle, Promote Teaching Efficiency--The report of chinese modern history teaching reformation