- 麦格雷戈线McGregor's line
- 基思·约瑟夫辩解说,麦格雷戈是四十五个候选人中最合适的一个。Keith Joseph stressed that MacGregor was the best of forty-five candidates for the job.
- 今晚康纳先生会过来吃晚饭。We're going to have Mr.Conner over for dinner tonight.
- 基思·约瑟夫辩解说,麦格雷戈是四十五个候选人中最合适的一个。Keith Joseph stressed that MacGregor was the best of forty-five candidates for the job.
- 康纳:每一天,我们都要让他们血花飞溅,直至漫天血雨。Connor: Each day we will spill their blood, 'til it rains down from the skies.
- 那时,我认为那篇文章相当乏味(康纳 克鲁斯 奥布赖恩)At the time, I thought that passage was pretty anodyne(Conor Cruise O'Brien)
- 接着他进入享誉盛名的艺术学校吉尔德霍尔音乐戏剧学校,这所学校曾培养了包括伊万·麦格雷戈、约瑟夫·法因斯在内的许多名艺人。He then attended the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, a famous art school which fostered a lot of famous artists including Ewan McGregor and Joseph Fiennes.
- 他任职教皇的中心意图就是要恢复教皇权力(康纳 克鲁斯 奥布赖恩)The central meaning of his pontificate is to restore papal authority&b{Conor Cruise O'Brien)
- “他那本极差的书里最令人讨厌的章节”(康纳·克鲁斯·奥布赖恩)"in the most abominable passage of his ghastly little book" (Conor Cruise O'Brien)
- “他多胡须的脸已变成僵硬、虚伪的面孔”(康纳·克鲁斯·奥布赖恩)"His bearded face already has a set, hollow look" (Conor Cruise O'Brien)
- 第一次世界大战结束后,我在康纳少将属下工作三年。他是当代最完善的军人。For three years, soon after the First World War, I served under one of the most accomplished soldiers of our time, Major General Conner.
- “他长满胡须的脸上有一种空虚呆滞的神情”(康纳·克鲁斯·奥布赖恩)"His bearded face already has a set, hollow look" (Conor Cruise O'Brien)
- 他任职教皇的中心意图就是要恢复教皇权力(康纳·克鲁斯·奥布赖恩)The central meaning of his pontificate is to restore papal authority(Conor Cruise O'Brien)
- “他任职教皇的中心意图就是要恢复教皇权力”(康纳·克鲁斯·奥布赖恩)"The central meaning of his pontificate is to restore papal authority" (Conor Cruise O'Brien)
- “双方都很坚决认真,象是鼓足劲要打一场内战”(康纳·克鲁斯·奥布赖恩)"Both sides are deeply in earnest, with passions that approximate those of civil war" (Conor Cruise O'Brien)
- 圣战的观念显示出它尚未失去所有它引人陶醉以及使人激起狂热的力量(康纳 克鲁斯 奥布赖恩)The notion of Holy War is showing that it has not yet lost all its power to intoxicate and to inflame(Conor Cruise O'Brien)
- “他们既不想分裂革命党也不想分裂教会派,而是想集二者之成”(康纳·克鲁斯·奥布赖恩)"They want not to divide either the Revolution or the Church but to be an integral part of both" (Conor Cruise O'Brien)
- “不管他曾有过什么与他们改善关系的想法,这些想法都被排除了” (康纳·克鲁斯·奥布赖恩)"Whatever thoughts he may have entertained about mending some fences with[them] were banished" (Conor Cruise O'Brien)
- “这些人中的许多或者可能大多数都被他们在穷人中的经历激进化了”(康纳·克鲁斯·奥布赖恩)"Many, probably most, of those have been radicalized by their experiences among the poor" (Conor Cruise O'Brien)
- 圣战的观念显示出它尚未失去所有它引人陶醉以及使人激起狂热的力量(康纳·克鲁斯·奥布赖恩)The notion of Holy War is showing that it has not yet lost all its power to intoxicate and to inflame(Conor Cruise O'Brien)