- 所有新的汽油车辆必须装置催化转换器,以限制废气排放。All new petrol cars must be fitted with catalytic converters to control emissions.
- 有机废气催化燃烧catalytic combustion of industrial organic gases
- 三元催化转换器TWC three way catalyst converter
- 内燃机废气催化净化方法综述Generalization of Catalytic Reactor Technology for Motor Emissions Cleaning
- 暖车加温三元催化转换器WUTWC warm up three way catalytic converter
- 排气催化转化器;废气催化转化器exhaust gas catalytic converter
- 三元催化转换器损坏后导致车辆无法起动Vehicle Can't Be Started while Three-way Catalytic Converter Being Damaged
- 废气催化净化器catalytic exhaust purifier
- 转换器converter(-tor)
- 废气催化转化器exhaust gas catalytic converter
- 空气被令人窒息的车辆废气和工业烟雾污染了。The air is polluted with the smother of traffic and industrial smog.
- 稀土三元催化转换器气体流速分布的试验研究Research on Velocity Distribution of Airflow in Rare-Earth Three-Way Catalytic Converter
- 电源转换器power supply changeover device
- 一种高效节能的有机废气催化燃烧处理系统A high efficient and saved energy system of organic gas catalysis oxidation treatment
- 模数转换器analog-to-digital converter
- 拖着一股废气trailing exhaust fumes
- 光电转换器photoelectric converter
- 业已采取有效措施以防止废气污染。Effective measures have been taken to prevent exhaust pollution.
- 数模转换器D/A converter
- 空气已被废气所污染。The air has been contaminateed by exhaust fumes.