- 我们广州人称其为"凤爪",就是凤凰的爪子。We Cantonese call them "Fengzhao",meaning the phoenix's paws.
- 看点三:最贴近广州人,讲本土老祖宗的故事。The third point is the story about ancestors of Canton closes to local people's life.
- 广州人,素来讲究饮食。The people of Guangzhou are natural-born gourmets
- 在车上遇到这种事情的话你不要指望谁会来帮你,这是我在车上亲眼见到的,是的广州人就是这样冷漠的。Meet the words of this kind of affair on the car, you don't want to hope who will help you, this is what I see with own eyes on the car, yes person in Guangzhou be so apathetic of.
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