- 平衡吊具balance hanger
- (ba气动平衡吊平衡器)一平衡控制器:配有(A)平衡控制器的平衡吊是传统型弹簧平衡吊的最佳替代方案。BA) single balance controller: the balance suspending machine with( BA) single balance controller is the ideal substitute scheme of the traditional spring balance machine.
- 吊condole with
- 吊牌drop (height)
- 吊卡lift sub
- 吊坠pendant
- 保持良好的平衡对舞蹈演员非常重要。Good poise is important for a dancer.
- 吊耳liftinglug
- 渔夫失去了平衡,一头栽进海里。The fisherman lost his balance and pitched into the sea.
- 吊具hanger
- 这个天平不平衡.This pair of scales is not in equilibrium.
- 吊篮nacelle
- 恢复平衡redress the balance
- 起吊lift
- 电解质不平衡electrolyte imbalance
- 吊绳sling
- 改正不平衡现象aright the imbalance
- 吊起trice
- 失去身体平衡to lose one's balance
- 吊机loop wheel machine