- 腔tune
- 梆子watchman's clapper
- 平邮ordinary mail; surfime mail
- 它采用梆子"哭腔",奏出凄楚悲切的音调。This is a mournful piece from the repertoire of southwest Shandong percussion and wind music, and borrows the "wailing tone"of clapper music.
- 地平Horizon
- 磨平rubdown
- 内腔lumen
- 平放keep flat
- 梆子剧团Bangzi Opera Troupe
- 空腔cavum
- 南梆子one of the two chief types of music in traditional Chinese operas
- 平垫plain cushion
- 腔体housing
- 莱芜梆子Laiwu Bangzi
- 透平turbine
- 型腔die space
- 山陕梆子Shanxi and Shaanxi operas
- 平流层stratosphere
- 谐振腔cavity resonator
- 压平planish