- 点线鳃棘鲈Plectropomus oligacanthus
- 截尾鳃棘鲈Plectropomus truncatus
- 双带眶棘鲈two-striped scolopsis
- 九棘鲈lapo-lapo; lauplapu
- 眶棘鲈属Scolopsis
- 鳃gills of fish
- 棘thorns
- 它的平滑可以与丝绸相媲美。With silk it contests the chromo for smoothness.
- 斑点九棘鲈Cephalopholis argus shneider
- 北美洲形似海狸鼠的水栖类啮齿动物,有平滑的深褐色皮毛。beaver-like aquatic rodent of North America with dark glossy brown fur.
- 安鳃类Embolobranchiata
- 鲈common perch
- 瓣鳃lamellibranch
- 瓣鳃类幼体lamellibranchia larva
- 棘齿ratchet
- 半鳃hemibranch
- 他们去捕河鲈。They went fishing for perch.
- 背鳃dorsal gill
- 棘突processus spinosus
- 海鲈jewfish