- 果result
- 平安safe and sound
- 开心果pistachio nuts
- 一路平安bon voyage
- 火龙果dragon fruit
- 平安的scot-free
- 禁果forbidden fruit
- 奇异果actinidia berry
- (祝愿 ... )一路平安,一路顺风speed somebody on their way; speed the parting guest
- 果蔬garden stuff
- 平安保险Pingan Insurance
- 果类fruit
- 平安地in safety
- 人参果sapodilla (Achras zapota)
- 祝您在新的一年里平安,幸福。Much love and best wish for happy new year.
- 赛果match result
- 可庆幸的是,大家都平安地回到家里。Happily, all have returned safe and sound.
- 蔬果vegetables and fruits
- 平安保险公司Ping An Insurance Company
- 雪莲果yacon; Smallanthus sonchifolius