- 带有烟熏味的威士忌.rather a smoky whisky
- 它是一种温和的带有烟熏味的含精肉肉粒的腊肠。It is typically mild, finely grained, smokey cooked salami.
- 烟熏味的Smokey
- 用于驱赶昆虫的烟熏味的火。a smoky fire to drive away insects.
- 烟味、烟熏味:一些葡萄酒所具有的特殊味道,通常有些粗糙,令人联想起烟尘。Smoke taste. The special taste of some wines, usually somewhat harsh and recalling that of smoke.
- 苏格兰威士忌的酒体稍微淡薄,带有明显的烟熏麦芽香味。它们先由发芽的大麦制得,然后在泥炭火上加热、发酵、蒸馏产生类似的威士忌,再逐次用水稀释到按体积计含酒精43%。"Scotch whisky (this spelling is also used by Canadians) is usually somewhat light in body, with a distinctive smoky malt flavour; it is made primarily from malted barley that has been heated over a peat fire, fermented, distilled, and blended with similar whiskies made by different distillers."
- 在这枯躁无法味的学校音乐会上的珍妮的演出是非常引人注目的。In an uninteresting school concert, Jane's performance stood out a mile.
- 那个男人被发现患有传染病,因此他的房子必须用烟熏来消毒。The man was found to have an infectious disease, so his house had to be fumigated.
- 熏味smoke flavour
- 烟味smoke
- 他们甚至有关于五味的一套理论; 甜, 酸, 辛辣芳香,咸或苦。They even have a theory about the "five tastes": sweet,sour,spicy,salty ,and bitter.
- 暖房的植物正以烟熏除虫。The plants in the greenhouse were being smoked.
- 腐烂的:用于描述发出令人作呕的有机物质腐朽味的葡萄酒。Putrid. Term applied to a wine having a foul nauseating odour of organic decomposition.
- 用烟熏柜橱to smoke a cupboard
- 烟熏过的橡木fumed oak
- 烟燻味的乾酪smoky cheeses
- 用烟熏果树以驱虫to smudge fruit trees to drive insects
- 柏林烟熏香肠Berliner sausage
- 烟熏的smoky
- 烟熏法[化] fumigation