- 我发现他在巴黎画的还是他在罗马画了多年的那些陈腐不堪、花里胡哨的画。I discovered that in Paris he had been painting just the same stale, obviously picturesque things that he had painted for years in Rome.
- 画painting
- 剪贴画barbola
- 染上come down with
- 转染transfection
- 染红incarnadine
- 企画scheme
- 巴黎有个植物园。There is a botanical garden in Paris.
- 如画picturesque
- 染性metachromia; metachromasia
- 计画plan
- 她对即将能去巴黎旅行一事高兴万分。She rejoiced at the prospect of the Paris trip.
- 血染ensanguine
- 希特勒迅速攻占巴黎。Hitler took Paris by storm.
- 染整dyeing and finishing
- 画出draw up
- 画线linedraw
- 从伦敦到巴黎是短途飞行。It's a short hop from London to Paris.
- 血染的ensanguined
- 巴黎是法国的缩影。Paris is France in miniature.