- 巴黎是着名的城市.Paris is a famous city.
- 也是着名的动物标本採集地。It is an ideal place for collecting specimens of rare animals.
- 他既是着名的雕刻家又是杰出的肖像画家.He is eminent both as a sculptor and as a portrait painter.
- 巴黎是一个华丽和快乐的城市,其中五分之四的居民死於忧伤。Parisis a city of gaieties and pleasures where four-fifths of the inhabitants die of grief.
- 着catch
- 培根是着名的散文家.Bacon was a famous essayist.
- 巴黎是座美丽的城市。Paris is a beautiful city.
- 她是着名的歌手。She is noted as a singer.
- 对于喜欢文化艺术的人来说,北京是座很吸引人的城市。Beijing is a good city for anyone who is interested in culture.
- 巴黎是众多城市的完美典范Paris,the paragon of cities
- 伴随着更年期的内分泌变化使很多妇女的情绪受到影响。A lot of women are affected emotionally by the hormonal changes that accompany the change of life.
- 巴黎是一个非常美丽的城市。Paris is a most beautiful city.
- 培根是着名的散文家Bacon was a famous essayist
- 巴比伦式的城市指奢华糜烂的城市或地区,经常是罪恶和腐败的A city or place of great luxury, sensuality, and often vice and corruption.
- 我恐怕是着了凉了。I am afraid I am come down with a cold.
- 巴黎是文明都市的理想典型,建筑优雅,风格与历史。Paris is the epitome of civilized city life, so humane in its architecture, so enchanting in its mix of style and history.
- 这些他都是说是着玩的。He said all that in jest.
- 我认为巴黎是一个浪漫的城市.I think of Paris as a city of romance.
- "好吧,先生,如果你在虚线上签个名的话,这辆小车就是你的了。""Now, sir, if you will just sign on the dotted line the car becomes."
- 她对他简直是着了迷。She's totally wild about him.