- 研究人员说,油彩蛙之所以会被认为已经灭绝,是因为它们曾受到了一种致命的真菌性疾病的袭击。Other clutches of the frogs have suffered a lethal skin fungus, known as chytridiomycosis, that has wiped out other amphibian populations in Central and South America, researchers said.
- 蛙frog
- 油彩greasepaint
- 蛙跳leapfrog
- 调油彩to temper paints with oil
- 蛙式breaststroke
- 那位艺术家是画水彩的,还是画油彩的?Does the artist paint in water colors or in oils?
- 蝌蚪是蛙的幼体。The tadpole is the larva of the frog.
- 在画布上涂油彩to lay paint upon canvas
- 按青蛙的标准来衡量,他的“多毛蛙”算得上非常大了。His Hairy Frog was, as frogs go, quite large.
- 蛙类Batrachia
- 井蛙观太空,天仅井口大。To a frog in a well heaven is only a sieve in size.
- 林蛙wood frog
- 豹蛙肽ranatensin
- 豹蚊蛙leopard frog
- 馋嘴蛙Sautéed Bullfrog in Chili Sauce
- 捕蛙frog
- 父亲正弯着腰让儿子做跳蛙游戏。The father was giving a back to the son.
- 蝌蚪是蛙类。Tabpole is toad.
- 蛙粪霉菌Basidiobolus haptosporus