- 德国巴伐利亚州山东办事处State of Bavaria Shandong Office
- 德国巴伐利亚州幕尼黑啤酒节German Bavaria Asian Munich Beer Festival
- 山东省与巴伐利亚州交往大事记Chronicle of Contacts between Shandong Province and Bavaria
- 德国巴伐利亚州高校的学科评估Disziplinenbewertung der bayerischen Hochschulen in Deutschland
- 德国东南部城市,巴伐利亚州首府和最大城市the capital and largest city of Bavaria in southeastern Germany
- 德国巴伐利亚州土地整理与村庄革新对我国的启示Enlightenment on China given by land arrangement and country innovation in Bavarian in German
- 一八六二年德国巴伐利亚州最早发现始祖鸟时,曾轰动全球。In 1862 at the earliest finding of archaeopteryx in the state of Bavaria, Germany, it stirred the whole world
- 德国巴伐利亚州的菲尔特城是一个靠犹太人繁荣起来的犹太文化中心。1923年5月27日,基辛格诞生在这个城市里,开始叫海因茨·基辛格。The city Fiellte of Bavaria, Germany, is a center of Jewish culture which prospers on the base of Jews. On May 27, 1923, Kissinger was born here named Heinz. Kissinger at first.
- 一只小狗身穿教皇服装,以庆祝罗马教皇访德。为了庆祝罗马天主教皇本笃十六世访问家乡德国,巴伐利亚州的一位居民给自己的狗狗也设计了一套教皇服装。This cute little dog is wearing a Pope outfit to celebrate the Pontiff's visit to his native Germany. The costume was designed by owner Hildegard Bergbauer.
- 巴伐利亚州,德国南部的一地区,原为公爵领地。于公元前15年被罗马人占领,这个地方成了中世纪德国的五个有权势的公爵领地,但是后来被许多势力和政权占领和统治a region and former duchy of southern Germany. Conquered by the Romans in 15 b.c.,the region became one of the five preeminent duchies of medieval Germany but was later overrun and ruled by numerous factions and powers
- 巴伐利亚州德国南部的一地区,原为公爵领地。于公元前15年被罗马人占领,这个地方成了中世纪德国的五个有权势的公爵领地,但是后来被许多势力和政权占领和统治A region and former duchy of southern Germany.Conquered by the Romans in15b.c., the region became one of the five preeminent duchies of medieval Germany but was later overrun and ruled by numerous factions and powers.