- 1美元的价格,上下差不了几分钱a price of 1.00,give or take a few cents
- 做些和高中化学实验差不了多少的事情,我真受够了I am got feed up do what amount to little more than high school chemistry experiment.
- 一旦真相大白,那就会发现哈里顾同乞丐是差不了多少的。If the truth were known, Hareton would be found little else than a beggar.
- 她仰面躺着,脸朝着墙壁也不看我,和一个死人也差不了多少。Her face upward to lie, nor do I face towards the wall, and a dead also be roughly.
- 首席厨司做事出不了差错,这对她来说,简直是天经地义。Indeed, it was an axiom with her that the cook can do no wrong.
- 微套差不处理Min-sleeve difference no surface treatment con
- 不要告诉经理是怎么把工作搞砸了的,不然他会大发雷霆的!Don't tell the director how you ruined the job, or he'll go through the roof.
- 无声音提示;通话质量差不在服务区No audio indications; out of range deteriorating audio quality
- 嗨,杰克。我挺好。这个三明治太大了,我吃不了,你想来一半吗?Hi, Jake. I'm fine. This sandwich is too big to finish. Would you like half?
- 被关进农场或州监狱里都差不了多少。It makes but little difference whether you are committed to a farm or a county jail.
- 对。很多有天赋的人从来就成不了大事。他必须有这方面的心理准备。True. Many talented people never make it big. He needs to be prepared for that.
- 做些和高中化学实验差不了多少的事情,我真受够了。I am getting fed up do what amount to little more than high school chemistry experiments.
- 费伯心里明白,这样下去他坚持不了许久,不等大卫疲劳,他自己就会精疲力竭。Faber knew he could not keep this up much longer, he was certain to tire before David did.
- 但是要击败国王队差不是那么容易。But beating Kings is rarely easy.
- 从现在开始我们就是一分钟的朋友,这是事实,你改变不了,因为已经过去了。It has become an irreversible fact that we did become friends as the minute had elapsed despite its evanescence.
- 你总是爱算计,其实里外里差不了多少。You are so calculating. In fact there is not much difference in the total.
- 对市场而言,这表明在前途黯淡时即使资金价格更便宜也救不了那些冒险家。To markets, it says risk-takers will not be bailed out by cheaper money when the going gets tough.
- 小结:被减数减少(或增加),减数也作相应的减少(或增加),差不变。Look at the minuend and subtrahend. They both add or subtract the same number. The differences are the same.
- 如今,不会跳那种庸俗的扭摆舞的女孩子永远也出不了名。These days the girl who can't perform a mean frug will never make the scene.
- 第一次亲眼见到坎土曼,我觉得这种农具和汉族的镐差不太多。The first time I saw a mattock of the Uygur nationality, I thought it quite similar to a pickaxe of the Han nationality.