- 中国政府积极开展人权领域的国际交流,与人权高专办开展合作。The Chinese government has committed itself to international cooperation in the field of human rights and has engaged in cooperation with the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.
- 指导原则the golden rule
- 指导to guide
- “存在于美国政策性法律与人权之间明显的矛盾”(戴维·布列恩·戴维斯)"the glaring discrepancy between American positive law and natural rights" (David Brion Davis)
- 原则principle
- 八、计划生育与人权保护VIII. Family Planning and Protection of Human Rights
- ICH指导原则与各国现行药典药品的残留溶剂分析方法概述Summary of Methods for Residual Solvent Analysis Recorded in ICH Guideline and Current Pharmacopoeias
- 指导书instructor
- 评"契约与人权对立论"A Commentary on "the Theory of Opposition between the Contract and the Human Rights"
- 原则上in principle
- 人权human rights
- 协商一致的指导原则philosophy of consensus
- 国家邮报的报道说,加拿大的商界人士对于国际贸易部长马奇支持贸易与人权挂钩的态度反映不一。The National Post reported that the Canadian business people are divided over the linkage between trade and human rights
- 他的指导原则是永不停顿地学习。His guiding principle has been never to stop learning.
- 中国重视联合国人权事务高级专员在促进和保护人权方面的作用,并积极与人权高专办公室开展合作。China attaches importance to the role of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in promoting and protecting human rights,and has actively cooperated with the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.
- 2000年3月,中国政府与人权高专办在北京成功举办了第八届亚太人权研讨会。40多个亚太地区国家的代表参加了会议。In March 2000,the Chinese government and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights together successfully sponsored the Eighth Symposium on Human Rights in the Asian-Pacific Region in Beijing,with representatives from over 40 Asian-Pacific countries attending.
- 它制定了国家关系的指导原则。It set out principles guiding relations between the states.
- 这是我们的指导原则。This is the guiding principle in our work.