- 工人们已去拆除脚手架。Workmen arrived to take down the scaffolding.
- 工人们已去拆除脚手架.Workmen arrived to take down the scaffolding.
- 工人前来拆除脚手架。Workmen arrived to take down the scaffolding.
- 工人们已有三个星期未拿工钱了。The workforce has not been paid for three weeks.
- 们(plural marker for pronouns and a few animate nouns)
- 他们下周将拆除脚手架。They're taking the scaffolding down next week.
- 工人们已在比邻的那块地上破土动工,挖土平整,以便建造一幢新办公大楼。The workmen began to dig up the lot next door for a site of a new office building.
- 汤姆已去睡觉了。Tom has hit the hay.
- 工人们在凿山开隧道。The workers are tunneling the hill.
- 男孩子们已决定下个星期去露营。The boys have decided to go camping next week.
- 他们得到工人们的支持。They received the support of the workers.
- 在雇用新的官员之前,评论家们已指责该部门在与社会代表的对话中对自己的职责有疏忽Critics have charged that the department was remiss in not trying to dialogue with representatives of the community before hiring the new officers.
- 工人们很讨厌他那盛气凌人的态度。The workers detest his overbearing manner.
- 他的士兵们已很好地隐蔽起来。His soldiers were well camouflaged.
- 他屈尊与工人们交往。He condescended to mingle with the workers.
- 孩子们,你们应该会照顾自己了,因为你们已是高中生了。Sally may look stupid, but she knows enough to come in out of the rain.
- 工人们起来!Up the workers!
- 你的孩子们已使你传染上了风寒。Your children have infected you with this bead cold.
- 对被不公正解雇一事工人们表示愤慨。The workers voiced their indignation at being unfairly dismissed.
- 大赦中获释的原官员们已官复原职。The officials freed under the amnesty have been restored to their posts.