- 川崎重工业株式会社Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd.
- 基伊埃(芜湖)川崎机械制冷设备有限公司是由德国GEA集团拥有95%股份,日本川崎重工业株式会社拥有5%股份的中外合资企业。GEA (Wuhu) KHI Machinery Cooling Co., Ltd is a Sino-Foreign JV in which the German GEA Group holds a majority of 95%25 and Kawasaki Heavy Industries of Japan holds 5%25.
- 日本崎重工业公司KawasAKi Heavy industries Ltd.
- 小儿川崎病与血小板的膜糖蛋白及代谢产物的相关性研究Correlation study of Kawasaki disease, platelet membrane glycoprotein and metabolite products of platelet
- 这也提醒我们川崎病的患者可能罹患年轻型的心肌梗塞。This case is a good reminder that KD victims may suffer from young-onset AMI.
- 川崎璃Kawasaki disease
- 10年重工业仓库保管工作经验。使用ERP系统,包装的经验。"10 years working experience as a warehouseman in heavy industry. Should have experience of using ERP system, packing activities etc.
- 川崎疴Kawasaki disease
- 产品能源单耗、重工业在工业中比重以及GDP能源强度变化Unit Product Energy Consumption, Proportion of Heavy Industry and GDP Energy Intensity Change
- 重工业的所有厂房均存在一个困难问题,即如何布置桥式吊车的支承结构。One difficulty in every building for heavy industry is the arrangement of the supports for an overhead crane.
- 樟茶鸭[川salted duckling smoked with lauraceae tea
- 重工业的所有厂房均存在一个困难问题,即如何布置桥式吊车的支承结构。One difficulty in every building for heavy industry is the arrangement of the supports for an overhead crane.
- 川灰木Symplocos szechumensis
- 孙越崎Sun Yue-qi
- 他们片面地注重重工业,忽视农业和轻工业,因而市场上货物不够,货币不稳定.Their lopsided stress on heavy industry to the neglect of agriculture and light industry results in a shortage of goods on the market and an unstable currency.
- 油淋子鸡[川oil dripped young chicken; drip fried spring chicken
- 寺崎英成Terasakieisei
- 红油肚丁[川pork tripe with hot pepper oil
- 中西部是美国最重要的重工业中心,得克萨斯是美国石油和天然气储量最大的州。The Midwest is the nation'leading center of heavy industry. Texas is the country's leading state in oil and natural gas deposits.
- 爆破排淤填石法在厦门高崎闽台渔轮避风港东堤工程中的应用Method of Mud Displacement and Rock Filling by Blasting Used in Construction of East Revetment for Mintai Harbour of Refuge for Fishing Vessels in Xiamen