- 轲given name of Mencius
- 坎pit
- 轲赖氏体属[医] Colesiota
- 这条海岸线崎岖不平。The coastline is rugged.
- 结膜轲赖氏体[医] Colesiota conjunctivae
- 鸡结膜轲赖氏体[医] Colesiota conjunctivae-gallii
- 吉普车在崎岖的山路上颠簸行驶。The jeep bumped along the rough mountain road.
- 有中间系杆的拱形桁轲Arched girder with intermediate tie
- 坎昆Cancun
- 陡峭的山路崎岖不平。The steep mountain path is rugged and rough.
- 万向轲支承的发动机gimbal mounted engine
- 我们小心地越过崎岖的山坡。We picked our way across the rough and rocky hillside.
- 坝坎sill lip
- 那辆汽车在崎岖不平的路上颠簸着行进。The car jogged along the rough road.
- 鼻坎bucket lip
- 弯曲崎岖Crooked and rough
- 比斯坎湾Biscayne
- 挪威王国有着长而崎岖的海岸线。The kingdom of Norway has a long and rugged coastline.
- 坎磷Canton phosphorus
- 邪路无崎岖。Smooth is the way that leads unto wickedness .