- 劣根性scoundrelism
- 人民陪审制劣根性散谈The defects of the jury system
- 有什么可以抵挡人类的劣根性?What can avail against human beings evil?
- 孙中山对改造国民劣根性的思考Sun Yat-sen's Pondering on Transformation of Citizens' Bad Quality
- 英国是个岛国。Britain is an island.
- 继承传统文化的同时应批判国民劣根性。While carrying on the traditonal culture, we should also criticise the inherent weakness of our national.
- 这念头似乎对她揭露了自己本性里过去竟想不到的一种劣根性。It seemed to reveal to her an undreamed depravity in her nature.
- 他们把珠宝盗窃犯从那个岛国引渡回来。They extradited the jewel thief from the island state.
- 日本是个岛国。Japan is an island country.
- 他暗中警告了公爵夫人和席浦顿妈妈。她们当然知道她们同伴的劣根性。He dropped a warning to the Duchess and Mother Shipton, who of course knew the facts of their associate's defection.
- 岛国地势an island situation
- 警方设法把珠宝盗窃犯从那个岛国引渡回国。The police arranged to extradite the jewel thief from the island state.
- 鲁迅先生深刻地剖析了中国国民性的劣根性,才产生了“阿Q”这个入木三分的中国人心态的典型;Lu Xun, after making a deep analysis of the Chinese people's character, has produced "Ah Q", a graphic representation of their degraded collective mentality.
- 对杂种的虐待使他们被迫投向妖蛆,而这在强硬的长老眼里正证明了杂种的劣根性,这真是绝佳的讽刺。It's a sad irony that abusive treatment sometimes drives the metis to the Wyrm, which only proves the metis! Taint in the eyes of the more hard-line elders.
- 马来亚岛国难当前应该先解决经济问题,而不是埋怨任何人。Malaysia's priority should be solving the nation's economic problems,and not putting the blame on others.
- 岛国根性insularism
- 但大和民族的劣根性:狭隘国家主义、民族利己主义以及极端民族主义却成为其文化国际化走向中的根性桎梏。Whereas the low-quality nature of Yamato such as narrow nationalism,national selfishness and ultranationalism becomes its root shackle in the process of globalization.
- 岛国性质insularity
- 岛国环境island environment