- 夏日于朱红盘中,自拔快刀,切绿沉西瓜。不亦快哉!To cut with a sharp knife a bright green watermelon on a big scarlet plate of a summer afternoon. Ah, is this not happiness?
- 不亦快哉Am I not pleased?-Yes,I am very pleased to enjoy it!
- 快quick
- 这岂不是咄咄怪事!你可曾听说过(或见过)这样的怪事吗?Did you ever see or hear of such strange or surprising thing?
- 不快be unhappy
- 岂不(adv) certainly; definitely
- 然后你快哉其意?The Deep Of Your Heart tears the song words, rapes the image?
- 长在植物上面的花就是它们的生殖器官,那岂不是妙得很吗?Isn't it odd that flowers are the reproductive organs of the plants they grow on?
- 没有人知道为什么这些日子办公室的气氛一直令人不快。Nobody knows why there has been an unpleasant atmosphere in the office these days.
- 但愿我不至没有分文债务,不然的话,我岂不是等于没有分文信用?God forbids that I shall be out of debt, as if, indeed, I can not be trusted.
- 令人不快的undesirable
- 岂不怪哉wouldn't it be too strange
- 见到一只畸形动物常常会使人感到不快。It is often unpleasant to see an anomaly animal.
- 岂不知在场上赛跑的都跑,但得奖赏的只有一人?你们也当这样跑,好叫你们得著奖赏。Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.
- 当然学生会对这样不公正的对待感到不快。Of course students will writhe under such unjust treatment.
- 如果普及工作永远停留在一个水平上,那么教育者和被教育者岂不都是半斤八两?If popularization remains at the same level for ever, won't the educators and those being educated be six of one and half a dozen of the other?
- 疼痛作为伤害、疾病或感情的混乱的结果以各种不同严重程度出现的令人不快的情感An unpleasant sensation occurring in varying degrees of severity as a consequence of injury, disease, or emotional disorder.
- 那岂不是快变成商店了?Doesn't that verge rather on shop?
- 它和“战时政府”岂不是互相冲突的?Does it not conflict with a "wartime government"?
- 为什么要故意找出这些令人不快的小事来呢?Why try to dredge up such unpleasant little things?