- 这部电视剧的主角是个山东大汉。A hefty man from shandong province plays the leading role in the TV show.
- 他身材高大结实堂堂正正的,不愧是个山东大汉。He was a credit to the big men of Shandong with his height and solidity.
- 粗笨的大汉a great hulk of a man
- 大汉梅猪the Da-han-mei pig
- 一个黑脸大汉,A man has a black and long face
- 大汉们抬起长独木舟,把长杆在肩膀上挪正。The bearers raised the canoe aloft, adjusted the poles to their shoulders.
- 山东科技大学University Of Science and Technology Of Shandong
- 一天,人个身背大包袱的大汉郑明(乔宏饰)被送入院。One day, a bearded old man is sent into the sanitarium with a large bag.
- 山东师范大学Shandong Normal University
- "当我看到那个强壮的大汉一个人搬起那个特大箱子时,确是惊讶万分。"It was an eye-opener to me when I saw the strong man lift and move that extremely big box alone.
- 山东农业大学Shandong Agricultural University
- 山东经济学院Shandong Economic University?
- 卡琳小姐,她在一个----"思嘉没有说下去,她对这个哭哭啼啼的大汉,怎么能把修道院是什么地方说清楚呢。And Miss Carreen, she's in a--" Scarlett paused. She could never make plain to the weeping giant what a convent was.
- 山东半岛Shangtung Peninsula
- 这个姓秦的当然不是什么真的将军,不过是个身强力壮的红脸大汉,有一天在北京附近闲逛时遇上官兵拉去当了壮丁。This Ching was not a real general, of course, but merely a stocky, red-faced wanderer who had chanced to be near Beijing one day when the emperor's henchmen required an army in a hurry.
- 山东绸shantung
- 刘备听后非常高兴。二人来到一个小店,边喝酒边谈,正说得投机,门外突然来了一个红脸大汉,威风凛凛,相貌堂堂。While the two talked merrily over cups in a small restaurant, in came a martial looking, handsome man with a huge build and a red complexion.
- 山东鼓吹Shandong wind and percussion ensemble
- 山东财政学院Shandong Financial Institute
- 黄河在山东北部入海。The Huanghe River runs into the sea in North Shandong.