- 尽量在天黑以前回家.Try to get home before dark.
- 尽量在天黑以前回家。Try to get home before dark.
- 尽量在天黑前回家。Try to get home before dark.
- 母亲要她天黑以前回家。Mother told her to come home before dark.
- 我们原计划在天黑以前干完这项工作, 可给大雨耽搁了。We had planned to finish the work before dark, but the heavy rain held us up.
- 天黑以前回家Home before dark.
- 喂!你们这帮人快点儿吧!我得把这车货卸完,在天黑前赶回仓库去呢。"Let's shake a leg there, you guys! I got to get this truck unloaded and on the way back to the warehouse before dark. "
- 假若你发现有人在天黑以后在你家屋后闲荡,你就会觉得有理由控告他。If you found someone loitering at the back of your house after dark, you might feel justified in bringing charges against him.
- 我们能够在天黑以前完成这件工作。We can put through the job before dark.
- 如果我们要在天黑前到达目的地的话,我们真的必须努力向前赶。We really must shove on if we're to reach the destination before dark.
- 你若勤快些就能在天黑前完成这项工作了。If you are industrious you can finish the job before dark.
- 大家劝孩子们天黑以前要回家。The children are advised to get home before dark.
- 我不习惯在天黑以后出去。I'm not in the habit of going out after dark.
- 在天黑前要回来。Come back before it is dark.
- 他们出发得早以便天黑以前到达目的地。They start so early as to get there before dark.
- 我想在天黑之前回到我的房子去。I'd like to get back to my house before dark.
- 我要你在天黑前回来。I want you to be back before the day is done.
- 他在拼命地干,以便在天黑前把工作做完。He was pounding away at the job so as to finish it before dark.
- 我不久就完全打消了天黑以前赶到家里的想法。I soon renounce all think of get home before dark.
- 他们不停地做,想在天黑之前把房子漆完。They worked their fingers to the bone trying to get the house painted before dark.