- 尼日尔三角洲Niger delta
- 尼日尔三角洲深水区Deep-water Niger Delta
- 疣猴guereza
- 疣猴科Colobidae
- 谁曾想到,尼日尔三角洲地区的动荡竟能引起蛋价上涨呢?!The chaos in the Niger delta, it turns out, has a surprising amount to do with the price of eggs.
- 疣猴属Colobus
- 尼日尔三角洲的混乱,最终结果就是对鸡蛋价格起到推波助澜的作用。The chaos in the Niger delta, it turns out, has a surprising amount to do with the price of eggs.
- 红酒red wine
- 亚洲疣猴Asian colobines
- 红人a favourite by sb. in power
- 红字rubrication
- 韦莱河疣猴Uele colobus
- 腮红blusher
- 红地毯red carpet
- 尼日尔Niger
- 红葡萄酒vin rouge
- 安哥拉疣猴Angola
- 玫瑰红rose colour
- 红线redline
- 小猴vervet