- 试论张天翼讽刺小说中果戈理与契诃夫的影响The Influence of Russian Writers Chekov and Gogol on Zhang Tian-yi's Satirical Novels
- 略论马克·吐温、果戈理和鲁迅创作中的幽默A brief discussion on the humour in the creative works of Mark Twain, Guo Geli and Lu Xun
- 在外国作家中 ,狄更斯对他的影响最大 ,而他最钦佩果戈理和契诃夫。Among the foreign writers, Dickens was the most important influence on Zhang Tianyi,but the writers Zhang Tianyi admired most were Gogol and Chekhov.
- 在外国作家中,狄更斯对他的影响最大,而他最钦佩的是果戈理,其次是契诃夫。Among the foreign writers , Dickens exercised the most important influence on Zhangtianyi, but the persons he admired most were the Gogol and Chekhov.
- 米哈伊尔·左琴科的幽默小说秉承了俄罗斯幽默讽刺大师果戈理、契诃夫的传统 ,同时 ,“左琴科式的幽默”又突出了人道主义的“同情” ,因而在俄罗斯幽默讽刺文学中具有个性和现实意义。The tradition of Russian humorist and satirist, Gogol and Chekhov, finds its way to Mixail Zoscenkos humor stories.