- 我们开始攒钱给自己买一对情侣鹦鹉,羽毛轻软的那种。And one day we started saving up for a couple of lovebirds of our own: the feathery kind.
- 情侣鹦鹉lovebird
- 我们把鸟笼放在一个有阴凉的窗下,然后等待着有一天那个皱巴巴的、上面写着“情侣鹦鹉”的信封里面装满了纸币和多余的硬币。We set our cage in front of a shaded window. Then we waited until the crumpled envelope marked "lovebirds" was full of bills and spare change.
- 尼亚萨湖Nyasa Lake
- 湖泊尼亚萨湖Nyanza
- 鹦鹉
- 情侣紧紧拥抱。The lovers were in a clinch.
- 鹦鹉学舌parrot
- 一对情侣互相拥抱。Two lovers embraced.
- 鹦鹉啄食饲料The parrot picked its seed.
- 对于那些接吻时间过长的情侣,人们会用一桶水将他们浇成落汤鸡。Others get a tad carried away and are doused with a bucket of water to stop a particularly long smooch.
- 金刚鹦鹉macaw
- 这对情侣的私奔给他们的父母带来了很多痛苦。The lovers' runaway caused their parents much pain.
- 这只鹦鹉很会学舌。This parrot is an amazing mimic.
- 布拉德?皮特和安吉利娜?茱丽被《我们周刊》评为“年度模范情侣”。Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have been crowned Couple of the Year by Us Weekly magazine.
- 鹦鹉把我的手指焰的很疼。The parrot give me a sharp peck on the finger.
- 情侣的恋情the amorous yearnings of lovers
- 男孩把一只鹦鹉放在右肩上。The boy had a parrot on his right shoulder.
- 一对情侣a pair of lovers (=two lovers)
- 所以你要过“把家里养的鹦鹉卖给街坊的三姑六婆也不至于害臊”的生活。So live that you will not be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip.