- 漫画cartoon
- 少年juvenile
- 美少年Adonis
- 少年的boyish
- 漫画书comic books
- 连环漫画strip cartoon
- 少年时代boyhood
- 漫画通常用来取乐或讽刺。Caricatures are usually done for amusement or satire.
- 少年犯罪juvenile delinquency
- 这是我所见到的最生动的漫画之一。This is one of the most vivid cartoons I have ever seen.
- 不良少年hoodlum
- 报纸上的漫画是一种风趣的图画,通常是针对某一件时事的。A newspaper cartoon is an amusing drawing, usually about some event in the news.
- 少年维特之烦恼The Sorrows of Young Werther
- 杂志上经常刊登有关著名电影明星的漫画。Magazines often contain caricatures of well-known film stars.
- 这个家庭教师负责管教这一少年,很快就改正了他懒惰的习气。The tutor took the young lad in hand and soon cured him of his idleness.
- 他对漫画书着了迷。He is potty about comics.
- 少年得志可能导致妄自尊大。Early success may lead to megalomania.
- 漫画栏comic strip
- 食堂里的少年们巴望见到坐在温室里的绿色屏风间的女王。The teenagers in the canteen are keen to see the queen sitting between the green screens in the greenhouse.
- 画一政客的漫画draw a caricature of a politician