- 小费通常是费用5%.The tip is generally fifteen percent of the fare.
- 小费通常是费用15%.The tip is generally fifteen percent of the fare.
- 小费通常是车费的15%。The tip is generally fifteen per cent of the fare.
- 住院病例医疗费用5年增长速度分析An Analysis on the Increasing Rate of Inpatients'Hospitalization Cases Medical Expenditure in the Late 5 Years
- 小费通常为餐价的15%左右。我们餐毕离桌时,把小费留在餐桌上。A tip of about 15%25 is expected,we should leave it on the table when we leave.
- 飞机还有极不利的条件就是费用最贵。They also have the great disadvantage of being the most expensive form of transport.
- 我们给其它地区代理的佣金通常是5-7%。Our agents in other areas usually get a5-7%25 commission.
- 他反对这项计划的理由之一是费用太高。One of his objections to the plan was that it would cost too much.
- 沼泽低地通常是灌木丛生或长满树木。A slash is usually overgrown with bushes or trees.
- 理由,当然,是费用已经发射火箭,而且票价格已经停留低。The reason, of course, is that costs have rocketed and ticket prices have stayed low.
- 要克制自己不发表意见通常是很困难的。It's often difficult to withhold from expressing one's opinion.
- 如果现金溢缺账户在会计期末有借方余额,是费用,在收益表上可以包括在"杂项费用"中。If there is a debit balance in the Cash over and short account at the end of the fiscal period, it is an expense and may be included in "Miscellaneous expense"on the income statement.
- 小型集成电路通常是最基本的逻辑栅门。SSI chips are usually basic logic gates and flip-flops.
- 迪米特里: 12月, 1月和2月通常是寒冷的. 有时还下雪。Dimitri: It is often cold in December, January and February. It snows sometimes.
- 包装费用通常是由买方负担的。The charges of packing are usually bore by buyers.
- 只有单个意思通常是单独的字或短语。having a single meaning (absence of ambiguity) usually of individual words or phrases.
- 包装费用通常是由折扣负担的。The charges of packing are usually borne by buyers.
- 冷饮的销售额在冬季通常是要减少的。The sales of cold drinks usually fall away in winter.
- 正义这个词通常是与法院联系在一起的。The word justice is usually associated with courts of law.
- 由一系列环(通常是金属)相互套嵌而成的柔韧的系带。a series of (usually metal) rings or links fitted into one another to make a flexible ligament.