- 小狗在地板上打著滚.The puppies were tumbling about on the floor.
- 小狗在地板上打著滚。The puppies were tumbling about on the floor.
- 小狗在地板上打着滚.The puppies were tumbling about on the floor.
- 咱俩摊开手脚、躺在地板上听雷声,为了不让我害怕,你还会哈哈大笑。"How the two of us would stretch out on the floor and listen to the thunder and how you'd laugh to keep me from being afraid?"
- 她叫她的男孩不要在地板上走得太响,以免惊扰睡着的婴孩。She told her boy not to stamp on the floor and disturb the sleeping baby.
- "一种放在或垫在地板上的铺设物下面的垫子,使变得柔软并增加耐久性."A mat placed or attached beneath carpeting to provide softness and increase durability.
- 他砰的一声跌倒在地板上。He fell on the floor with a thud.
- 他在地板上拉著沉重的箱子。He dragged the heavy chest across the floor.
- 椅子在地板上拖得吱吱的响。A chair scraped on the floor.
- 用稻草和毯子在地板上打个地铺make a shakedown of straw and blankets on the floor
- 学生们在地板上坐成一圈。The students sit in a circle on the floor.
- 他砰地一声倒在地板上。He fell to the floor with a thud.
- 我听见他在地板上踱步。I heard him walking the floor.
- 她的裙子拖在地板上。Her skirt draggled on the floor.
- 她把杯子掉在地板上,摔得粉碎。She shattered the cup when she dropped it on the floor.
- 她的长裙拖在地板上.Her long skirt was trailing along/on the floor.
- 女仆失手将盘子掉在地板上破成碎片。The maid let the dishes smash on the floor.
- 一些音乐家用脚在地板上打着节拍唱歌。Many musicians keep time by tapping their feet on the ground.
- 用拖把把泼在地板上的汤吸干。Sop up the spilled soup on the floor with a mop
- 她两腿突然支持不住摔倒在地板上了。Her legs suddenly gave way and she fell to the floor.