- 小心谨慎地进行.proceeding with great circumspection
- 进行underway
- 极度小心谨慎地gingerly
- 她小心谨慎地下了楼。she ventured cautiously downstairs.
- 争论闹嚷嚷地进行了三个小时。The argument rumbled on for three hours.
- 小心谨慎地拿着水晶碗Handled the crystal bowl with care.
- 事情在慢慢地进行。Matters jog along.
- 他们蹑手蹑脚小心谨慎地走下楼梯。They trod lightly and cautiously down the stairs.
- 婚礼是悄悄地进行的。The wedding was a quiet affair.
- 这位年轻的拳击手小心谨慎地逼近拳王。The young boxer come at the champion cautiously.
- 敌人更加疯狂地进行垂死挣扎。The enemy became more frantic in its death-bed struggle.
- 谨慎行事小心谨慎地行动或前进To act or proceed with care and caution.
- 对他们的残酷欺压行为,我们狠狠地进行了报复。We served them out royally for their many acts of cruelty and oppression.
- 你必须小心谨慎地管理这个厂子。you must treat this plant just so.
- 这有点像单独地进行一场火炮战。It woulk be sort of like having an artillery war by itself.
- 那孩子小心谨慎地去菜园捡起他的足球,生怕压坏青菜。The child was very careful to pick out his football so as not to crush down any vegetables in my garden.
- 客观地进行采访depersonalize an interview.
- 我在客厅里做作业,小心谨慎地防止出错。I did my homework in the living-room, careful not to make any mistakes.
- 公演前的那几天我们热火朝天地进行训练。we rehearsed frenziedly the last few days before the premiere.
- 他一边爬,一边小心谨慎地“咪呜了一两次;He "meow'd" with caution once or twice, as he went;