- 从"小心地滑"看社会用语规范化!Discuss the standardization of social speaking from "Slippery Floor!
- 小心地warily
- 不小心地imprudently
- 我们摇晃地滑下泥泞的斜坡。We slithered down the muddy slope.
- 小心!它跟丝一样平滑。当击球时,它会很柔顺地滑过你的手指。B: Careful! And it's as smooth as silk. It glides nicely through your fingers while shooting pool.
- 把打好了的鸡蛋小心地加进面粉里去。Fold the beaten egg in the flour.
- 这件事可不能马马虎虎地滑过去,咱们公开讨论讨论吧。This is not a matter that can be slid over,let us discuss it openly.
- 小心地拿住它。Hold it gently.
- 于是,它在窗上慢慢地滑落,然后融化,它的美丽也倏地消失。Then, slowly, slipping and sliding down the glass, it would melt, its beauty fleeting.
- 他正小心地把一群蜂移入蜂房。He is hiving a swarm with care.
- 它们不安地滑过They slither while they pass
- 所有的玻璃器皿和瓷器都小心地收在箱子里,存放在地下室。All the glass and china was carefully packed away in cases and stored in the basement.
- 她轻盈地滑开了。She is skimming away.
- 小心地保持距离at a discreet distance
- 她轻盈地滑开去了。She is skimming away
- 我用刀子小心地把抽屉撬开。I eased the drawer open with a knife.
- 我(在冰上)身不由己地滑起来了.I was sliding (about) helplessly (on the ice).
- 他在喝咖啡以前先小心地尝一尝。He tasted the coffee gingerly before drinking it.
- 轮船小心地通过大块浮冰。The ship was nosing a way through the ice pack.
- 他小心地走近那房子。He cautiously approached the house.