- 小册子中有详细说明。Detailed instructions are included in the booklet.
- 该计算机的特点在我们的小册子中有详细介The computer's features are detailed in our brochure
- 小册子中有详细说明.Detailed instructions are included in the booklet.
- 该计算机的特点在我们的小册子中有详细介绍.The computer's features are detailed in our brochure.
- 该计算机的特点在我们的小册子中有详细介绍。The computer's features are detailed in our brochure.
- 这些特性在简介的小册子中有完整的说明。The particulars are given in this brochure.
- 按照我们小册子中规定的程序行事。Follow the procedure laid down in our booklet.
- 部长没有详细说明他的计划。The minister did not elaborate on his plan.
- 在讨论中有同志提到根据地建设的规律性问题,这个问题在彭德怀同志的小册子中已经回答了。In the course of discussion some comrades raised a question about the laws governing the establishment of base areas. Comrade Peng Dehuai has answered this question in his pamphlet.
- 我在这本小册子中时常提到错误方面的意见,就是为了这个目的。It is for this reason that I often refer to erroneous views in this pamphlet.
- 支付条件在附件IV中有详细说明。The terms of payment are included in Annex IV.
- 你们在旅行中有没有什么令人激动的事情?Were there any exciting incidents during your journey?
- 终于在一本56页的小册子中对这个基本论点作了精辟的阐述。The basic point at last is driven solidly home in a 56-page booklet
- 内有详细说明。Full directions inside.
- 挂在墙上的照片中有两张挂得不正。Two of the pictures hanging on the wall are out of true.
- 使用手册里有详细说明。Full instructions are given in the user's manual.
- 请贵公司按小册子中所列商品,将我公司名称列入您的询价客户索引中则不胜荣幸。We shall be glad if you have our name put upon your inquiry list for the article show in the booklet.
- 她的名望使她在该团体中有重要地位。Her famous name gave her status in the group.
- 有详细说明特性的底。having a bottom of a specified character.
- 小册子中最有名的是1946年出版的密尔顿的《最高审判官:为未经批准的印刷自由权辩护》。The most famous of these pamphlets was Milton's Areopagitica: A Defence of the Liberty of Unlicensed Printing, published in 1946.