- 所以,小学生的读本是在国字旁加了注音的,他们的作文也是国字与注音并用的。That is why phonetic symbols are used in reading materials for Taiwanese primary schools.
- 文字character
- 字letter
- 函数的作用是:将字串符解析为变量。The parse_str() function parses a query string into variables.
- 将会will, going to
- 记生字时,将字的发音与其图像做连结。I connect the sound of a new English word and an image or picture of the word to help me remember the word.
- 旁路to bypass
- 中将lieutenant general
- 八字character 8
- 将它thereof
- 在旁by (a place)
- 全字匹配match whole word only
- 将就accept (a bit reluctantly)
- 旁的side
- 拼字spelling
- 我将I'll
- 旁敲侧击speak in a roundabout way
- 将不won't
- 双字double word
- 旁通pass-by