- 将军检阅了阅兵式。The general inspected the parade.
- 将军下令处决逃兵。The general gave the word to execute the deserters.
- 把汉堡牛排放到烤架上。Put the hamburgers on the grill.
- 将军派更多的军队增援要塞。The general reinforced the fort with more troops.
- 李云迪在汉堡Li Yun di in Hamburg
- 将军设法减低战败的严重性。The general tried to play down the military defeat.
- 汉堡港Hamburger Hafen
- 那位将军被多次授于英勇勋带。The general was given bravery ribbons.
- 阿森那教练温格面对强大的波而图,莫斯科陆军和汉堡。Arsenal counterpart Arsene Wenger will be less enamoured by the prospect of trips to Porto, CSKA Moscow and Hamburg.
- 将军淘汰了无能的指挥官。The general weeded out poor commanders.
- 哈佛-汉堡Havre to Hamburg
- 这几个将军策划了政变。The generals masterminded the coup.
- 将军有出色的坐骑。The general had an excellent mount.
- 将军辞去了他的职务。The general resigned his commission.
- 将军们策划推翻政府。The generals plotted to upset the government.
- 将军们讨论他们的战术。The generals discussed their tactics.
- 将军穿着缀满勋章的制服。The general wore a uniform dripping with decorations.
- 据说这位将军每周日都要屈尊与士兵们一同进餐。It is said the general condescended to eat with the soldiers every Sunday.
- 画家给骑着马的将军画像。The painter pictured the general sitting on a horse.
- 那将军被彻底击败。The general was totally defeated.