- 湾地沟wandigou
- 地沟风道underground air channel
- 伺服阻塞(封闭)servo disablement
- 地沟余热waste heat recovery
- 这条街已被封闭两天了。The street has been closed for two days.
- 日本大地沟Fossa Magna
- 封闭一条道路to shut a road
- 黍地沟牵引站Shudigou Traction Substation
- 盲肠构成大肠开端的封闭大憩室The large blind pouch forming the beginning of the large intestine.
- 客车车间地沟车棚Pit shed in body assembly shop
- 对于被关在封闭的空间感到恐惧。a morbid fear of being closed in a confined space.
- 西门调试报交地沟场地lineup pit and ground at the west door
- 这段路已经封闭.This section of the road is closed.
- 热力地沟衬砌温度场研究Study on the Temperature Field of the Lining at a Pipe Duct in Heating Project
- 封闭沟closed-end furrow
- 热力地沟衬砌温度的数值模拟Numerical Simulation on the Temperature of the Lining at a Pipe Duct in Heating Project
- 砂岩封闭sandstone seals
- 玉米卸车地沟变形缝止水处理Seepage-prevention Treatment for the Deformation Joint of Maize Unloading Trench
- 封闭的封闭的或倾向于封闭的Occluding or tending to occlude.
- 利用计算机辅助设计地沟盖板The Design of the Trench Cover-plate by Using the CAD