- 封to confer
- 封包绳提前断裂时主伞与伞舱口碰撞分析Analysis of the Impact Between Main Parachute and Parachute Module Scoop When Reefing Lines Early Rupture
- 亲友会互相贺年送礼,派发红封包给小孩和未婚的成年人。Friends and relatives exchange visits and gifts while children and unmarried adults receive lai see, or 'lucky' money.
- 封包过滤[Computer] Packet Filtering
- 封神apotheosize
- 封印seal
- 包起来wrap up
- 油封felt washer
- 包被peridium
- 包角cornerite
- 封盖close over
- 拆包unpack
- 封信seal up an envelop
- 封头end enclosure
- 塑封plastic package
- 封箱joint sealing
- 封袋envelope
- 冰封ice-bound
- 封板close board
- 封边seal edge