- 对银行来说,现金这个名词是指在柜台上或保险柜里的通货加上在中央银行的存款金额。In the case of banks the term of cash covers currency in tills or vaults plus balances held with the central bank.
- 申请人应受外国法律和惯例加诸银行的一切义务和责任的约束,并对银行承担赔偿之责。The Applicant shall be Bound by and liable to indemnify the Banks against all obligations and responsibilities imposed by foreign laws and usuages.
- 银行bank
- 被接管的商业银行的债权债务关系不因接管而变化。The right and liabilities of the taken-over bank will not change because of the take-over.
- 很有必要知道公众对银行的了解程度。It is necessary to know what the public perceives of banks.
- 用"代赎契"称号和拥有债权银行的全部财产回债务清偿,通常合同。Using a "deed in lieu of foreclosure," the bank claims the title and possession of the property back in full satisfaction of a debt, usually on contract.
- 我对银行的态度感到失望。I was disappointed by the attitude of the banks.
- 对银行债权claim on bank
- 她将珠宝放在银行的金库里。She put her jewels in a vault at the bank.
- 对那套银行系统中最糟糕的一些问题,我有过亲身体验。I had experience at first hand of the worst aspects of that banking system.
- 查账员在查对银行的账目。The auditors are looking over the bank's books.
- 整个问题对银行来说至关重要,甚至可以说是生死攸关。The entire subject was exceedingly important, even vital, to the bank.
- 抢劫银行的匪徒们打算残酷地枪杀任何阻挡他们行事的人。The bank robbers planned to shoot in cold blood anyone who got in their way.
- 各不同阶层对银行服务需求表现在使用频度上而不表现在阶层本身上。The demand for bank services by the different classes differs more in the intensity of usage by the various classes than in the class themselves.
- 别看他大谈赛车和游泳池,其实他只不过是一个银行的普通职员。For all his talk about sports cars and swimming pool he's just an ordinary bank-clerk.
- 他把钱都放在家里,因他对银行极不信任。He keeps his money at home because he has a great mistrust of banks.
- 在银行的那一边,可以看到房顶的那幢房子是苏祖基先生的。The house whose roof you see beyond the bank is Mr. Suzuki's.
- 收益增加对银行极具吸引力,可鼓励银行定期与按揭证券公司进行类似交易。The yield pick-up provides a strong incentive for the banks to conduct such transactions with the HKMC on a regular basis.
- 这种战略是通过扩大银行的实际活动范围,以达到扩大销售额的目的。This strategy seeks to expand sales by extending the physical frontiers of banks activities.
- 你必须对银行失去了的金钱作解释。You must account for the missing money in the Bank.