- 文中还利用上述特性设计了一个大口径的焦环卡塞格伦天线 ,结果显示 :它有较高的增益和较低的副瓣电平The characteristics is used to design a ring-focus Cassegrain antenna and it was found that it has higher gain and lower sidelobe level.
- 观察取景器同时转动光圈环进行对焦。While looking through the viewfinder, focus by turning the focusing ring.
- 环loop
- 对焦focus
- 按上红外线滤光片,对拍摄景物对焦,请读出镜头筒指示的距离。Attach the infrared filter and focus on the subject. Read the indicated distance off the lens barrel.
- 环比link relative ratio
- 用户感觉更换白平衡,感光度,自动辅助对焦测光方式时候很笨拙。Clumsy user experience for changing white balance, ISO, AF mode, metering.
- 圆环traffic circle
- 环的annular
- 对焦时没把他们对好所以照片不清晰。They were not in focus so the photograph wasn't clear.
- 环氧epoxy
- 对焦屏focusing screen
- 对焦附加器focusing adaptor
- 对焦位置focusing position
- 清晰对焦shape library
- 自动对焦auto-focusing
- 对焦窗口focusing window
- 对焦玻璃punt glass
- 对焦装置focusing mechanism
- 手动对焦Manualfocus