- 应用ATA的对数周期馈源方案于FAST的可能性探讨On Possibilities of Applying the LPA Scheme for the ATA to the FAST
- 消除出错的可能性obviate the possibility of a mistake
- 单倍体的具有和生殖细胞相同或体细胞一半对数染色体的Having the same number of sets of chromosomes as a germ cell or half as many as a somatic cell.
- 你认为他有同意此事的可能性吗?Do you think there is any likelihood of his agreeing to it?
- 每毫米线对数Line pairs per millimetre
- 达成协议的可能性当时显得微乎其微。Agreement did not seem remotely possible at the time.
- 半对数绘图纸semilogarithmic graph paper.
- 利用的可能性?Is it available?
- 对数偶极子阵列天线Log periodic dipole array antenna
- 在家里找到他的可能性很小。There is an off chance of finding him at home.
- 对数函数.a logarithmic function
- 这缺乏可能性。It lacks probability.
- 对数的模当从一个系统变换到另一个系统时为得到相应的对数须乘以的一个数The number by which a logarithm in one system must be multiplied to obtain the corresponding logarithm in another system.
- 怀疑他成功的可能性to question the possibility of his success
- α-对数α-logarithm
- 两个可能性中,后者比前者更可能。Of the two possibilities, this is more likely than that.
- 半对数尺度semi - logarithmic scale
- 这个队赢得冠军的可能性极小The team has only a mathematical chance to win the championship.
- 对数域log-domain
- 很小的成功可能性a slight possibility of success