- 对敏感的儿童不应粗暴.A sensitive child should not is mishandled.
- 我们在获得您的信息后,会将其存储在防火墙后面,同时对敏感的信用卡信息进行加密。Once we receive your information, we not only store it behind a firewall, but also encrypt the sensitive credit card information.
- 岁龄的儿童不被允许和父亲生活在狱中。Once over a year old, children are not permitted to live behind bars.
- 对敏感的皮肤有刺激性的物质.a substance that is irritant to sensitive skins
- 营养不足的儿童不能像健康儿童那样成长。Undernourished children do not grow as quickly as healthy children.
- 对他们要采取辩证的方法,而不应采取形而上学的方法。We should adopt a dialectical, not a metaphysical, approach towards him.
- 当在应用程序的配置文件中存储敏感信息时,应使用受保护配置对敏感值进行加密。When storing sensitive information in a configuration file for an application, you should encrypt the sensitive values using Protected Configuration.
- 现代的儿童不喜欢受严格的控制。Modern children don't like being regimented.
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?""But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 五岁以下的儿童不在调查之列。Children under five are excepted from the survey.
- 近年来不断发展的调整性和救济性计划项目极大地增加了政府对敏感的私人信息的要求,档案电脑化也加剧了公众对行政机关滥用个人资料数据的担忧。The growth of regulatory and benefit programs in recent years has greatly increased the government's demand for sensitive private information, and the computerization of files has heightened popular fears that agencies may misuse personal data.
- 一个人的价值应该以其品质而不应以其社会地位来判断。A man's worth shall be judged by his character rather than by his social position.
- 净化和补水,并且是对敏感、粗糙的皮肤。A naturally inspired skincare line formulated with Calendula extracts topurify and hydratesensitive, rough skin.
- 我们必须保护我们的儿童不受坏思想的侵蚀。We must ensure our children against contamination by bad ideas.
- 投票前的竞选中,对敏感问题的争论十分激烈。In the campaign preceding this election,serious issues were at stake.
- 那种新型号大获成功,但是我们不应忘记使其成功的无名英雄们。The new model has been a great success but we must not forget the back-room boys who made it possible.
- 如果认为利率会跌,那应投资于对利率较为敏感的长期债券,以争取更高的收益。If the investor expects interest rates to fall, he should invest in longer maturity bonds which have higher price sensitivity to interest rates in order to maximise his re-turns.
- 没有家长带领,儿童不能进入这家剧院。Children are not permitted into the theatre without their parents.
- 患者感觉到无望,他们希望医生对敏感和诚实之间作出平衡Patient got the sense that there was no hope, they wanted physicians to balance sensitivity and honesty
- 第一修正案的决定性意义在于禁止政府对敏感信息的压制。The dominant purpose of the First Amendment was to prohibit the widespread practice of government suppression of embarrassing information.