- 座to sit
- 白羊座Aries
- 射手座sagittarius
- 水瓶座aquarius
- 光纤对号number match of the fibers
- 双鱼座piscis
- 对号电话。Station to station, please.
- 摩羯座Capricornus
- 对号入座的理路one-size-for-all logic
- 处女座virgo
- 所有的都是对号入座。All these are reserved seats.
- 巨蟹座cancer
- 工作人员要求观众对号入座。The staff members asked the audience to sit in the right seats.
- 王座throne
- 侍者拿去我的帽子,给了我一张对号牌。The waiter took my hat and gave me a check.
- 轴承座shaft block
- 当老板进行泛泛的批评时,不要对号入座。When the boss makes general and negative comments, don't take it personally.
- 机座stand (up)
- 电影开场后不再对号入座,请迟到的观众就近入座。Once the film starts, please take the seat nearest you.
- 天平座balance rest