- 《对冲基金汇报规定指引》Guidelines on Hedge Funds Reporting Requirements
- 《对冲基金汇报规定指引》(证监会)Guidelines on Hedge Funds Reporting Requirements(SFC)
- 《持仓限额及大额未平仓合约的申报规定指引》(证监会)Guidance Note on Position Limits and Large Open Position Reporting Requirements(SFC)
- 上述定义是从对冲基金的投资方法,监管的角度来定义对冲基金。A hedge fund is a loosely regulated investment company that charges incentive fees and usually seeks to generate returns that are not highly correlated to returns on stocks and bonds.
- 《持仓限额及大额未平仓合约的申报规定指引》【证监会】Guidance Note on Position Limits and Large Open Position Reporting Requirements [SFC]
- 市场中性对冲基金Equity market neutral hedge fund
- 什么是对冲基金?What is pair of strong fund?
- 持仓限额及大额未平仓合约的申报规定指引Guidance Note on Position Limits and Large Open Position Reporting Requirements
- 如果对冲基金是作对冲之用,它们是全球投资活动所不可缺少的一环。They are an essential part of a global investment fabric if it is for hedging.
- 《持仓限额及大额未平仓合约的申报规定指引》Guidance Note on Position Limits and Large Open Position Reporting Requirements(SFC)
- 我们自己设计的魔鬼:市场、对冲基金和金融创新的危险。A Demon of Our Own Design: Markets, Hedge Funds, and the Perils of Financial Innovation.
- 单一对冲基金Single Strategy Hedge Fund
- 活跃于LME的对冲基金Some of the prominent hedge funds active on the LME
- 经济报道:对冲基金漫谈Economics Report: Hedge Funds Let Wealthy Investors Take Risks for Profits
- 对冲基金和私人股权投资基金Hedge funds and private equity
- 负责人锐衍是个香港人,因热爱对冲基金工作,决定将大陆作为他事业的起点。Rui Yan charge is the people of Hong Kong, by love for hedge funds, decided to mainland China as the starting point for his career.
- 比如对冲基金到底是怎么回事?How do hedge funds work?
- 对冲基金:全球视角下的策略与风险Hedge funds: a global perspective on strategies and risks
- 对冲基金与金融监管The Hedge Fund and Financial Supervision
- 对冲基金指引Hedge Funds Guidelines