- (A,SA)和(H,SH)都是数域k上的弱Hopf代数,并且A是右H-余模代数。In this paper,(A,SA) and(H,SH) both are weak Hopf algebras on a field k. A is also an H-module algebra.
- 拟三角Hopf代数上的辫子Doi-Hopf模的广义积分和Maschke型定理(英文)A Generalized Integrals and Maschke Type Theorem for Braided Doi-Hopf Modules over Quasitriangular Hopf Algebras
- 最后给出的一些结果体现了弱对极在弱 Hopf代数上的模 /余模结构中的作用 .Last, the role of weak antipodes in the structures of modules/ comodules over a weak Hopf algebra is presented.
- 弱Hopf代数的模代数在其不变量上的积分Integrality of Module Algebras over its Invariant over Weak Hopf Algebra
- 设L是域k上的Hopf代数,其对极为SL;Let L and A be Hopf algebras on field k with antipodes SL and SA,and let C be a right A-module coalgebra.
- 对偶圈coupling cycle
- 对偶窗dual window
- 余拟Hopf代数Coquasi-Hopf algebra
- 弱对偶weak duality
- 然后用某些弱 Hopf代数的弱对极构造正则半群 .Then, some regular semigroups were constructed by using of weak antipodes of some weak Hopf algebras.
- 原-对偶primal-dual
- 你的代数题做不下去了吧?Are you stuck over your algebra?
- 而且,如果B=H是一个带有对极S的Hopf代数,那么H~0是一个带有对极S~*的Hopf代数。In addition, if B=H is a Hopf algebra with antipodes, then H0 is a Hopf algebra with antipodes S .
- 代数整的integral algebraic(al)
- 数学包代数。Mathematics includes algebra.
- 吉姆如饥似渴地学习代数。Jim is eating up the course in algebra.
- 他终于算出了这道代数题的答案。He finally got the answer to the algebra problem.
- 基本代数basic algebra
- 张量代数则离不开坐标系。Tensor algebra is tied to coordinates.
- 擅长代数Great at algebra.