- 对供应商的质量控制与供应商的质量考核、评价。The quality control and evaluation of suppliers.
- 在研发阶段,参与确定对供应商的质量要求。To participate in defining quality requirements for suppliers involved in the development stages.
- 与供应商的沟通,协助供应商改进,负责对供应商的质量意识的培训。Prepare correspondence about suppliers'quality issue and submit to purchasing, and assist purchasing to verify the result.
- 物流供应商的评价与选择The Choice and Evaluation of Logistics Service Providers
- 某进口商对供应商的PAHS要求PAHS Requirement of a Importer to the supplier
- 请接受我们对你及你全家的美好祝福,祝你们新年快乐。Please accept our wishes for you and yours for a happy New Year.
- 对供应商的生产过程进行监督。Monitoring of production process of suppliers.
- 通过对这些的研究,我们了解了大量有关地球的内部情况。It was from the study of these that so much was learnt about the interior of the earth.
- 三维测量CE角方法的建立及其对发育性髋关节脱位术后效果的评价Three-dimensional CE Angle Evaluation And Its Outcome For The Surgical Treatment of The Developmental Dysplasia of The Hip
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?""But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 委员会对他的能力缺乏正确的评价。The committee lacked a correct estimate of his ability.
- 走访供应商,对供应商制程的稳定性进行监查,查出制程中存在质量隐患的因素并指导供应商改善。Visit the supplier and inspect the stability of their production process, direct and help improve it if find the hidden trouble of quality.
- 这个主题太复杂,我无法只通过简略的研究就对它做出公正的评价The subject is so complex that I cannot do justice to it in a brief survey.
- 对供应商的产品出现批量性质量问题时,协助质量部门进行追踪整改。When the mass product that supplier offer is in problem, assistance quality department, tracking correct asap.
- 对我的评价,不要过分夸张,不要分量太重。The evaluation of me should not be too exaggerated or too high.
- 全寿命周期管理环境下船舶设备合格供应商的模糊综合评价Evaluation of Shipping Equipment's Qualified Supplier with Fuzzy Synthesis Evaluating Method in the Environment of Life-Cycle Management
- 拜访潜在的供应商,并对供应商的制造能力和商业定价作出评估和建议,形成书面报告Visit potential suppliers to make assessments and recommendations on manufacturing capability and commercail pricing
- 对供应商而言最重要的考虑是用最短的学习曲线提供最丰富的功能集。The most important consideration for vendors is to offer the richest set of capabilities along with the shortest learning curve.
- 我们应当设法对他们的工作做出适当的评价。We must try to make a proper evaluation of their work.
- 代替内部客户对供应商进行评估,确认其是否达到标准。Conduct internal customer and supplier surveys to evaluate performance and to determine conformance to established standards.