- 对一事业竭尽绵薄.give one's mite to a good cause
- 要是我在这里的时候开庭,跟我真心诚意希望的那样,那我就要竭尽绵薄提出公诉。If the trial comes up while I'm here, as I honestly hope it will, I'll prosecute it to the best of my ability.
- 对这种病,世界所有家庭都捐助组织和钱,以帮助这一事业。For that disease, families all around the world had donated tissue and money to help the cause.
- 要是我在这里的时候开庭,跟我真心诚意希望的那样,那我就要竭尽绵薄提出公诉。If the trial comes up while I'm here, as I honestly hope it will, I'll prosecute it to the best of my ability.
- 总统不能无礼地对一位国家元首不屑一顾。The President cannot rudely ignore a head of state.
- 表现出对一事业的热忱show zeal for a cause
- 自从我竭尽绵薄,在强加在帝国身上的第一次世界大战中充当一名志愿兵以来,已经有三十多年了。More than thirty years have passed since I made my modest contribution as a volunteer in the First World War, which was forced upon the Reich.
- 好几位影剧界人士参加了集会露面亮相,以示对这一事业的支持。Several show business personalities came to the rally and showed the flag,lending their support to the cause.
- 人们要求她对一座19世纪的建筑做出评价。She was asked to pronounce on the merits of a 19th century architecture.
- 这一事业值得我们继续不断的支持。The cause is worthy of our continued support.
- 对一种鹦鹉的偷猎比例高达70%有余。The highest rate of poaching for a single species was more than 70 percent.
- 义演为个人或某一事业筹款而进行的娱乐、演出或社会活动A public entertainment,performance,or social event held to raise funds for a person or cause.
- 专利权是政府对一项新发明授予的独占的权利,以给予该发明以鼓励和奖励.A patent is a governmental grant of an exclusive monopoly as an incentive and a reward for a new invention.
- 非常热心的感情(经常是对某个人或某一事业)a feeling of strong eagerness (usually in favor of a person or cause)
- 顶叶在特征捆绑中的作用--对一例典型双侧顶叶损伤病人的研究The Role of the Parietal Cortex in Visual Feature Binding--A Case Study of a Patient with Bilateral Parietal Cortex Lesion
- 如果这一事业允许殉难的话,他会欣然为这一事业献生的。He would willingly have been a martyr in the cause, had the cause admitted of martyrdom.
- 他们对一次又一次地听到他怨感到厌烦。They wearied of hearing the same complaints over and over again.
- 圣战赞成某一事业或反对某一弊病而进行的有力的统一运动A vigorous concerted movement for a cause or against an abuse.
- 赛马中对一匹马下错赌注,赌错了马to back the wrong horse in the race
- 空想坚信某一事业或运动必将胜利或拯救世界的信念Belief that a particular cause or movement is destined to triumph or save the world.