- 同样,在诗歌中,高度个性化和富有表现力的文体是唯一真正有活力的形式。Equally, in poetry, the highly personal, performative genre is the only form that could claim real liveliness.
- 中间派甚至认为可以在概念文档中包括突出显示域以支持富有表现力的创作,但在引用文档中略去突出显示域以强制严格的语义标记。A semipragmatist could even include the highlight domain in conceptual documents to support expressive authoring, but omit the highlight domain from reference documents to enforce strict semantic tagging.
- 嘉米森,朱迪思生于1944美国舞蹈家和芭蕾舞设计者。以富有表现力的演出和舞艺的精深闻名。1989年,嘉米森成为阿尔文·艾丽美国舞剧院的指导。American dancer and choreographer. Noted for her commanding presence and the intensity of her dancing,Jamison became director of the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater in 1989.
- 谐音超文具有双关底文的功能,充满幽默、新异和简洁的修辞特点。Homophonic hypertexts are of a function of puns and rhetorically featured with humor, novelty and brevity.
- 架上绘画超越了现代主义对传统的偏见,大胆地向西方传统具象艺术回归,同时将传统写实绘画与现代主义相结合,其结果是富有表现力的新具象绘画的产生。The painting exceeded the extreme prejudice between the modernism and tradition, regress toward western traditional figurative art boldly, and meanwhile, it combined all facts of modernism and traditional realistic art style, lead the naissance of new figurative art with more expressive force.
- 层进法在不断增强的修辞力度或强度中使用的一系列陈述和方法a series of statements or ideas in an ascending order of rhetorical force or intensity
- 她的嗓音圆润而富有表现力。Her voice is rich and expressive.
- 随着经济迅速发展,中国在国际舞台上的地位变得愈来愈重要了。With the rapid economical development, China's position on the international stage is getting more and more important.
- 他的嗓音饱满而富有表现力。His voice was full and expressive.
- 它的修辞性不比隐喻少。It is no less figurative than metaphor.
- 从修辞角度看,成语中数词的修辞方式主要有比喻、夸张、惜代、反复等类型。form the angle of rhetoric,the methods mainly have metaphor,exaggeration and so on.
- 新闻作品表现力的文学质素Literary Quality of Expressivity of Nows works
- 一种感叹的修辞方法。an exclamatory rhetorical device.
- 钢琴演奏中音乐表现力的培养Cultivation of Musical Expressivity in Piano Playing
- 华而不实的修辞high - flown rhetoric.
- 发展出来的是一种有无穷表现力的新音乐。What developed is a new music capable of a limitless range of expression.
- 英语抽象名词的修辞功能On the Rhetorical Features of the English Abstract Noun
- 浅谈高师钢琴教学中音乐表现力的培养A Preliminary Discussion on the Cultivation of Musical Expression Power with Piano Teaching in Normal College
- 论起首的修辞策略On the Rhetoric Strategies of the Beginning of an Article
- “她的画色彩明快。她用画笔、调色刀和手指着色的风格使这些画非常富有表现力。一些画像康定斯基的作品,还有一些像波洛克。”"Her paintings have vibrant colours. They're very expressive in the way the paint is applied, brush, spatula, her fingers. Some are Kandinskyesque and some are Pollockesque.